Dr. Ganesh Mohan, the son of A. G. Mohan and Indra Mohan, has been practicing yoga from childhood and is now one of
the few direct links in the world to the legendary yogi Sri Krishnamacharya’s teachings. Dr. Mohan is trained in both
modern medicine and traditionally in ayurveda. His work focuses on the application of self-care for health and well-being
in chronic health conditions and lifestyle diseases. Dr. Mohan is the developer of the Svastha Yoga Therapy Program,
with hundreds of yoga teachers enrolled. He also guides the Svastha Yoga Teacher Training programs.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: JUNE 28-30,2024 *If signing up for individual sessions please note which sessions in the paypal note section please. 

Yoga as Your Personal Practice – Master Class and Lecture *at Now and Zen Yoga Friday 6:00-8:00pm Cost: $30 

Join us for an evening that connects you to yoga from its roots. Yoga is in truth a personal journey towards inner positive transformation. This session will offer lecture and guided practices that cover simple and deep keys of yoga for your personal growth. 

Svastha – Framework of Lifelong Wellbeing: The Why, What and How Saturday 10:00am-1:00pm Cost: $60 

Our wellbeing is in our hands to a large extent. We can empower ourselves to manage our long-term fitness, healing, and personal transformation with a structured framework through the Svastha map of 10 domains of wellbeing: Awareness, Feeling, Movement, Breathing, Words & Thoughts, Nutrition, Lifestyle Management, Relationships, Life Meaning, and Habit & Change. This session will take you through this framework and leave you with practical insights for your wellbeing journey. 


Pranayama, Mantra & the Pursuit of Peace Saturday 2:00-5:00pm Cost: $60

The heart of classical hatha yoga is pranayama. In this workshop, we will explore how pranayama and mantra can support each other to guide us to deep peace within, using lecture and practice.

Yoga & Chronic Lifestyle Diseases Sunday 10:00am-1:00pm Cost: $60

Lifestyle is the greatest contributor to our wellbeing over time. Yoga and ayurveda view lifestyle as the ground on which healing can happen. In this workshop, we will look at some important insights from these ancient systems on how we can work with chronic lifestyle disease – for prevention or therapy.

What is Yoga? From the Vedas to the Yoga Sutras and to us now. Sunday 2:00-5:00pm Cost: $60 

Join us for a contemplative and practical session on the wisdom of yoga from the ancient times to our modern life. What were the roots of the philosophy and psychology of yoga? What of that is relevant to us now? How can those ancient frameworks inform our modern life? This session contains both theory and practice.

Dr. Mohan is the developer of the Svastha Yoga Therapy Program, with hundreds of yoga teachers enrolled. He also guides the Svastha Yoga Teacher Training programs and advises IAYT as well as the Australian Association of Yoga Therapists. He is the co-author of several books, such as Yoga Therapy, Krishnamacharya: His Life and Teachings, Yoga Reminder: Lightened Reflections, Krishnamacharya in His Own Words, and has translated the ancient Sanskrit texts Yoga Yajnavalkya and Hatha Yoga Pradipika.


Private Yoga Therapy sessions with Dr. Mohan can be
booked by emailing Deb at

Call 209-369-7841 or Visit for more information or to register. Space is
limited. Because of the special nature of this event there will not be refunds or credits for no shows to
any of the lectures. Thank you in advance for your understanding.


Monday- Friday 8:00am-12:00pm
Monday- Thursday 4:00-7:00pm

We are a small studio and do not always have someone at the front desk. We are available 15 minutes before and after classes. Please refer to the class schedule for class times.

When we are in class or at lunch we will not be able to assist you in the boutique or with purchases, but information is available at the front desk for you to take. Please feel free to call before coming in so we can make sure someone is here to assist you.